Monday, May 19, 2008

Consuming Jesus - success & the homogenous unit principle

Jesus prayed in John 17 that we would be one so that the world might know that he was sent by the Father. What is this to look like? If a bunch of people who look alike and like the same things are "one" is that really anything that is worth noticing? Now I know that we are all selfish enough that anytime anyone sacrifices for others in way that allows us to be "one" it is worth something. But I think Jesus was talking about bringing together people from different social classes and cultures.

Being enamored with "success", by and in large the church in America has sold out to the homogeneous unit principle. This principle states that we will be more effective (successful) in ministry if we target those who are like us in order to make them comfortable enough to hear the Gospel. Is that what we're doing or do we just not really like people that aren't like us that much? Maybe it's an answer to Jesus' prayer that Gator and Seminole fans who are alike in every other way would be "one". That will make people sit up and notice that there's something about this Jesus guy.


D. S. Long Construction, Inc. said...

I don't even think that Jesus liked the Seminoles. Just kidding, good point brother.

Amy said...

Woah woah woah woah....races, denominations, socio-economic classes - yes. Seminoles? Now you've gone too far, buddy.

I think we are all naturally guilty of this, because loving people who are different than us is counter-intuitive and counter-cultural - it has to be intentional and it can be really hard, which is not something we're wired for by society.