Materialism is such a slippery thing and it's hooks in me are deep. It is so easy to read the Old Testament and condemn the people we read about for their blatant idolatry. How could those who had seen the Lord part the Red Sea bow down and worship an image forged out of the gold they donated for it? Sometimes it baffles me.
My idolatry is so much harder to spot. (For me anyway, maybe not for you) For instance, I need to replace the computer I'm typing on. Well, need is a subjective word because it technically is still working though it takes more and more to be able to see the results of its computations. Nevertheless, I feel like I need to replace it b/c the display is going out quickly and it is 3 years old, and it has begun to freeze up more often which happened with my last computer before the hard drive crashed.
Assuming I buy a computer sometime this month, what do I buy? I can not deny that my eye and my heart wander after a new Macbook. Yes, the commercials and all the other young professionals switching over have seduced me. All it takes is one friend who I respect to tell me how they would like a new Mac too and I can almost justify buying anything that I can afford. But the thing is that there are PC's that have the same specs and cost half the price.
While this battle rages (maybe not rages) within me some other things are happening too. For one, there are billions (billions) of people who are going to bed hungry tonight. I even wrote about it
here. They don't have money for food and I am trying to decide whether a preference for Leopard over Vista justifies $500.
This is why we need reminders in our lives. Idolatry is so slippery. In Deuteronomy 6:1-8 the Lord basically says, "do whatever you have to do to remember the commands I am giving you today." Thankfully I read a blog
post tonight that reminded me of who I am called to be and what's important to me. I wise mentor in my life has talked about the need to frequently (at least yearly for him) see real poverty in the world in order to be reminded. I need reminders too. I wonder what computer I'll end up buying?