Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I've been studying the "Sermon on the Mount" and leaning heavily on John Stott's book/commentary of it this summer. Stott is possibly my favorite teacher of scripture and today I read something that flipped my old thoughts upside-down.

I was reading his treatment of Matthew 6:31-34 regarding seeking first his kingdom and his righteousness. Stott writes:
God's kingdom exists only where Jesus Christ is consciously acknowledged. To be in his kingdom is synonymous with enjoying his salvation. Only the born again have seen and entered the kingdom. And to seek it first is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.

But God's 'righteousness' is (arguably, at least) a wider concept than God's 'kingdom'. It includes that individual and social righteousness to which reference has been made earlier in the Sermon. And God, because he is himself a righteous God, desires righteousness in every human community, not just in every Christian community.
He goes on to say that to 'seek his kingdom and his righteousness' may be said to embrace our Christian evangelistic and social responsibilities. Aside from being a great scriptural summary of those two twin values, this summary may not be earth shattering to you. But what surprised me was that I tend to think of those two terms flipped around with 'kingdom' incorporating social responsibilities and 'righteousness' coming from saving faith through evangelism. But now I am seeing it like Stott and realizing once again that I need to use and think about words more carefully.

Any thoughts?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

recent life stuff

  • Mackeil is growing (but the number of people who can pronounce his name is not)
  • Andrew was admitted to the hospital with Nephrotic Syndrome (but he is fine now)

  • I made the switch to a Mac
  • I think it was a good decision

  • I have begun to get really excited about SpendLessGiveMore
  • we made our first decision at an IV staff meeting to Spend Less & Give More
  • a group of us saved $20 by sharing a container of Breyers Ice Cream instead of going to ColdStone
  • we will give the savings to Feed the Children