I was sitting in church this morning and was a little too distracted by the people around me and having a hard time entering into the Lord's presence. When we finished singing, one of the pastors stood up and led us in receiving communion. I was so thankful for that time as the reality that Jesus gave his body and blood for me became real and I was able to see God's goodness and worship him. When the communion plate was passed to me I noticed that one of the cups had a little wafer floating in it (dropped accidentally I presume). I thought, "here is a way to serve those who will go after me" and I took the cup with the floating wafer. Immediately my mind began to think about communion mishaps and the impact on a view of transubstantiation they would have. But thankfully, my mind didn't stay there long and I resumed my contemplation on the cross and my sins forgiven.
It was a really good moment. One of clarity.
Now I didn't want to be a distraction in case someone sitting next to me saw the floating wafer so I tried to stealthily snatch out the wafer from the grape juice cup. I was successful! But a moment later as I was listening to the pastor and trying to hold both cup and wafer in one hand it happened.
I spilled the grape juice, not completely, but probably half of the little cup. The rest was on my hands and a small spot on my pants. And then it hit me. I am completely unworthy of the sacrifice that was made for me. I can't even hold the cup that symbolizes the blood that makes me clean. And with grape juice all over my hands I continued to worship.