Tuesday, April 21, 2009

irresponsible environmentalism

This morning around 10:30am I started to get hungry while I was at work. My office is in a local Presbyterian church here in Gainesville and the space they let us use is at the end of a long hallway where, honestly, not many people ever come. Anyway, I was getting hungry and luckily I had a banana in the office. A little more ripe than ideal, but hey, when you're hungry, a few brown spots aren't that big of a deal. So I ate it.

Afterward I was presented with a dilemma. I didn't want to throw the banana peel in my garbage can because it takes me a long time to fill up a can and it would be sitting there for weeks in all likelihood. I'm imagining bad smells, fruit flies, etc... and I didn't want any part of that.

So casually, I roll up the window next to my desk and slip the banana peel out the window and behind the shrubs. I go back to work thinking, that's fine, the banana is bio-degradable right? It will become nutrients for the shrubs. It's a good thing.

How quickly my tune changed when ten minutes later I see the pastor of the church walking behind my office coming straight for my window. He's walking with another guy (nobody ever comes back here) and they seem to be talking to themselves. Then to my horror, he stops across from my office and goes straight to the water spigot under my window. There's nothing I can do now, I'm sitting at my desk, pretending to work and not notice him but he had to reach within 12 inches of the fresh banana peel that only I could have left there. He couldn't have missed it. And I have to decide whether I will look him in the eye or pretend I don't notice him...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
